Vocational Education & Training
What is VET and how can I do it?
VET stands for Vocational Education and Training. VET is work specific learning and skill development, particularly for trades and industry. It is the kind of education offered by Tafe SA and other registered training organisations.
Students can combine gaining VET qualifications with SACE completion. They can earn up to 150 of the 200 credits required to complete the SACE, through recognised Vocational Education and Training courses. The remaining credits can be completed through compulsory and choice subjects. This means the 200 SACE credits required to complete the certificate can be gained with a VET focus, provided the Personal Learning Plan, Research Project and the Stage 1 literacy and numeracy requirements are also satisfied.
Using VET towards an Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR)
Completed Certificate lll qualifications can be used towards gaining an ATAR, whether completed through Stage 1 or 2.
Speak to the Assistant Principal (Senior Leader for Senior School) or Assistant Principal (VET, FLO, Careers) for further information.
Access to VET Pathways
Students are provided opportunities to explore career options throughout their schooling, but in particular, through PLP. After researching relevant courses, to discuss or pursue an enrolment, students, along with their parent/caregiver, can make an appointment with the Assistant Principal (VET, FLO, Careers) to discuss how this course fits within individual SACE pathways, course costs, funding requirements and enrolment procedures.
Australian School Based Apprenticeships
This scheme allows students to combine their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) with Vocational and Educational Training (VET). School based apprentices and trainees work with their employer and receive on the job training, undertake some study at school and attend certified trade training courses.
Students wishing to undertake an apprenticeship can discuss their plans with the school Flexible Pathways Co-ordinator or Nicholas Mathew, our Apprenticeship Broker, from the Trade Schools for the Future on 08 8562 1299 or nicholas.mathew@sa.gov.au
Click here for Further information on a school based apprenticeship or traineeship.
WorkReady - Skills for All
WorkReady is a South Australian Government initiative that enables SACE students to gain industry skills through Vocational Education and Training (VET) while still at school. Some courses allow students to receive a Training Guarantee under the Skills for All arrangements. This is called a Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS) and means that students can start a subsidised career pathway training whilst studying their SACE and have a guaranteed funded place at a Skills for All Training Provider if they gain an apprenticeship or traineeship before the completion of their course.
Students can undertake a VET qualification, earn credits towards their SACE and complete work placement for on the job training, which develops students’ employability and transferrable skills. There are prescribed courses that students can undertake under this scheme. Certificate II qualifications are fee-free, whilst a gap fee is required for Certificate lll courses. Personal protective equipment and trade specific items such as tools and work specific clothing must be supplied.
Students interested in undertaking VET courses and exploring if TGSS funding is applicable, can speak to the Assistant Principal (VET, FLO, Careers) for more information click here